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Location: Phoenix, Arizona

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Genius or Dee Dee Dee

Why is it that I often think I am the smartest guy in the room but there are more than a few people that think that I am border line retarded? I hold Bachelors’ and Masters’ degrees, am well read, follow current events, can grasp and articulate complex concepts, and can speak intelligently on a wealth of different subjects. I feel confident saying that I am a smart guy.

Many people draw a distinction between smart and educated. These people point out that I am not great at reading people/situations. I can’t always tell where people are coming from. I don’t see angles and I don’t always know when I’m being spoon fed bullshit. Abundant evidence of this can be found in my mind boggling track record of ill-fated fantasy league trades.

It is also true that I don’t think quick on my feet. I often think of my best responses after the fact. The only exception to this seems to be my sarcastic wit. Though I got good grades I was always the last test taker in the room; Whatever that means…


Blogger Doc Love said...

Book smarts vs. Street smarts!

1:42 PM  
Blogger Pudge said...

I had a paragraph in this one in which I used you as an example. The anti-pudge if you will. I deleted it.
The good doctor has gotten himself into more stupid shit than anyone I have ever met and yet comes out smelling like a rose.

God Bless you Whatta. I love ya man.

3:26 PM  
Blogger Doc Love said...

I fuck up a whole hell of a lot. But yes, I do end up smelling like a rose most times. Call it a stupidity. Call it a gift. Call it being the man. It takes skill to be this good. Ha ha. I love you too buddy! I still say you need to teach lil high school kids how to throw the nubby curve. That shit was money!

8:22 PM  
Blogger Murph said...

I'm not smart or educated. But I am very, very arrogant. That's got to count for something.

1:41 PM  
Blogger Laura said...

I'm really, really really hoping that book smarts get you places... Don't worry pudgekins my love, I'm just like you in the non-street smarts department... but then you already knew that :-P

Thank God our wit and sarcasm is alive and strong...

3:32 PM  

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